WEBINAR: Healthy Buildings, Healthy Bottom Line

May 03, 2023
John Ramsden, Lawyna Holland-Parish, Whitney Austin Gray, and Laurie Gilmer

Companies are preparing to respond to proposed mandatory Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) reporting requirements. Facility managers are being tasked with balancing cost-saving practices as well as sustainable and people-focused initiatives.

It might feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to be.

During a webinar in partnership with IWBI, ESFM revealed practices that bring value today and positively impact the ESG targets of tomorrow.

In addition to decreasing facilities-related costs, these practices increase the productivity and well-being of building occupants.

The webinar was hosted by  the International Facilities Management Association (IFMA), the world’s most widely recognized association for facility management professionals, and Laurie Gilmer, IFMA’s Chair and Vice President/COO of Engineering Associates, P.C., moderated the discussion.

Actions facility managers can take now to ensure building systems are supporting ESG commitments and collecting the right data include:

  • Get a solid baseline – Use historical utility usage and a comprehensive asset list to set site-specific goals.
  • Examine your maintenance strategies – ensure you are performing PM (preventative maintenance) on the right assets.
  • Join the conversation – connect with your client or corporate team leading the ESG strategy for your location

“Asset optimization is probably the key,” said ESFM Vice President of Technical Services & Energy Solutions John Ramsden.

ESFM Vice President of Standards & Practices Lawyna Holland-Parrish added how leveraging data leads to more efficient processes, such as utilizing occupancy trends to inform where and how often to clean. Sharing best practices is another way to ensure efficiency and quality.

“You don’t have to run around and re-create the wheel,” she said.

IWBI Senior Vice President of Research Whitney Austin Gray emphasized the importance of investing in people’s health, connecting energy optimization strategies that impact thermal comfort and air quality, and the ROI it brings through productivity.

“I hope we never say energy or health again.”

Watch the full webinar below.

ESFM creates substantial benefits for people and planet across its portfolio of self-performed hard and soft services — from leveraging proprietary programming like ESFM’s CIMS, CIMS-GB certified eClean janitorial program to strategic energy optimization for carbon footprint reduction and cost savings.

ESFM is a keystone member of IWBI, expanding on Compass Group’s engagement, including leadership as IWBI Concept Advisors and participating in the IWBI WELL Task Force on COVID-19.